Die perfekte Ausleuchtung für Videos

The perfect illumination for videos

A good video is made up of numerous individual elements. The sound, the image composition and above all the light determine whether the video is liked or not received by the viewer. For those who have not yet dealt with the subject of videography in more detail, the individual decisive factors, especially the lighting, can seem a bit overwhelming at the beginning.
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A good video is made up of numerous individual elements. The volume , the composition and above all that Light decide whether the video is liked or not so well received by the viewer. Anyone who has not yet dealt with the Theme videography For him, the individual decisive factors, especially the lighting, can seem a bit overwhelming at the beginning. The use is onecontinuous light, combined with light shapers , easier than expected. Especially when aspiring videographers already have some photography experience, it is surprisingly easy to get started.

The advantages of continuous light

While a studio flash can only be used in photography to freeze short moments, creative people use it LED steady lights easily in the photography as well as in videography . One of the advantages of the steady lights is that the user can immediately assess the effect the light is having on a scene. Since it is crucial when creating videos that Lighting mood of individual scenes adapt to each other, it is of great advantage that most lights can be steplessly adjusted in their light intensity vary permit. This gives videographers the additional advantage that the artificial light can be precisely adjusted to the ambient light. This not only applies to the light intensity, but also to the color temperature , which is responsible for a natural image look.

Working creatively with color

Because of the combination of aperture and shutter speed, most video is shot indoors Artificial lights indispensable . Outdoors, on the other hand, it is often only possible to use one, especially when objects with an open aperture are to be exposed ND filter to be worked.

If indoor and outdoor shots are to be combined in a video, then it makes sense to use the adjustable color temperature in a more modern wayLED steady lights, the to match the white balance . This makes editing and any subsequent digital post-processing much easier.


Another option that videographers are making more and more use of is the use ofRGB steady lights. These variants are not only with cold and warm white, but also with colored LEDs fitted. In combination, it is possible to create practically any color imaginable.

RGB lights mean a previously unimagined creative opportunity , which proves to be a great advantage not only in photography. With colored lights , which can often be adapted to any situation due to the problem-free combination with all imaginable light shapers, the targeted mood is also supported in videos or even achieved in the first place. while having to RGB not always used as a key light, i.e. as the main light, but is also suitable colored backgrounds and thus make it more interesting.

No synchronization with the camera necessary

While there are occasional problems with the use of flashes in photography due to the limitation of the sync speed, this element is completely absent in filming. To the desired video effect to achieve, it is important for those considering investing in new lights to choose variants that are compatible with flicker-free recordings possible are. With modern video lights, however, this is usually not a problem, since they are already optimized for use with current digital cameras. This makes it easy to achieve repeatable results of the desired high quality.

Mobile, portable and lightweight

As in photography, it comes at today video lights that these are as adaptable as possible to the intended situation. For a quick interview that needs to be recorded on location, a single, portable light that can be powered by rechargeable batteries off the grid is ideal. In the studio or with precisely composed recordings, numerous lights can be combined with one another and more complex setups are not a problem. Due to the standardized bayonets for light shapers Mobile use as well as use in the studio or in other indoor areas is conceivable for practically all variants.

Flexible LED-Dauerlichter

Low power consumption thanks to modern technology

Once upon a time, video lights were known for their high power consumption and heat build-up, thanks to today'sLED technology that belongs to the past. When videographers today opt for lights that can be used in a variety of ways, this decision not only expands the creative possibilities Significantly, it also contributes to greater comfort during shooting and a lower power consumption at. The right technique is one of the most important foundations for a successful entry into videography.

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