Great shots need good lighting, but shadows and darkness are also very important. One type of lighting here is the "3-point lighting" . The photographers Sebastian Weingart, Tommy Halfter and their young team have a photo shoot in the location "Zentralstudio", using Jinbei steady lights , organized on this topic. Great pictures were taken of the two models Sophie and Chrissy in a setting dominated by earth tones. In this post, the young team of photographers explains how and why you use the 3 point lighting like to use.
What is the 3 point lighting?
The 3-point lighting is one popular lighting technique , which makes it possible to shoot with special beauty and freshness to capture In order to use this technique correctly, three steady lights and different soft boxes needed. In theory, the three usedlights functional names: First, there is this Key Light (guide light), that Fill Light (fill light) as well as that Backlight (highlight) as shown in the graphic below. The back light is from the background used to models or motifs perfectly illuminated and staged. The two other lights serve to lateral brightening and setting an optical edge. The ability to quickly adjust light levels makes this possible setting a big creative scope .
The right mood lighting
That's the theory. In practice, the two photographers wanted one Basic shoot in earth tones create with two models and a make-up artist. Fresh faces with a touch of esprit and expressive poses should be captured. In the shooting planning Therefore, a mood board was created, which included the desired earth tones as well as planning for the styling and the possible poses of the models.

The two photographers used the Jinbei as equipment for this shootEFC-150 RGB LED steady light as Key Light , as there is one enormous achievement of up to 150 watts. As Fill Light came that EFII-60 LED Sun Light steady on to use and for that Backlight , which comes from the background, became the bright oneEFIII-150 LED steady light used. The lighting mood could thanks to the RGB light with a color temperature of 4,000 Kelvin can be perfectly transformed into a warm white to daylight-like light. So it was possible for the photographers to coloring and thus the Mood to change at any time.
Soft through soft boxes?
A total of three different came at the shootingsoft boxes for use. Because all used Steady lights Bowens compatible are, the team was supreme flexible in the choice of his light shapers. As a light shaper, among other things, theQuickly Open Deep Softbox used, which can be set up in a few seconds. The Key Light, in this case thatEFC-150 RGB, could over aboom stand be brought directly close to the model and could thus illuminate skin tones perfectly. The results are very soft and show that supposedly simple settings expressive images can generate.

The 3-point lighting is excellent for a even and yet interesting lighting suitable. Small details, like in this case individual grasses and the use of a fan, rounded off the setting.
The conclusion of the photographers
By using thesteady lights,soft boxes andtripods the two photographers had a free hand and were able to quickly turn their ideas into reality. The RGB steady light EFC-150 conjures the desired coloring for every setting and makes work a lot easier, even if, according to Weingart, it takes a while to get used to the handling and operation got used to. In conclusion, it can be stated that with a simple setting and a small team of actors extremely expressive images can be generated. We agree!
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