Time has always played a crucial role in photography. It has always been a concern of photographers to special moment , and no matter how short it may be, hold on to it and freeze it. This is usually not a problem in everyday life, but above all fast movements are a challenge that can only be resolved through the use of slip-on or studio flash manage.
Basically, when it comes to flashing, the camera shutter speed does not play a major role when using flash. The exposure is only adjustable by the strength of the flash and the one used cover controlled. A movement or a moment is thus frozen because the reflected light of the flash falls on the sensor for a fraction of a second. This works because the flash and the camera work together. This can be recognized by the so-called sync time .
What is flash sync speed?
If the flash is triggered and emits its light to the surroundings, it is understandable that a picture will only be taken if during this process the Camera shutter curtains open are. To ensure exactly that, most flash synchronization times are relatively slow, despite the latest camera technology. Modern cameras nowadays often have one Flash sync speed of 1/250 second , which is quite astonishing compared to older models, which often only managed 1/60 second.
Why is a fast flash sync speed so important?
When taking photos with the flash, this takes artificial light understandably plays the crucial role. Nevertheless, the effect of the ambient light should not be underestimated. This is especially true when taking photos outdoors sunlight Photographers and cameras again and again before problems . Of course, there is usually the possibility of reducing the ambient light with the smallest possible and thus almost complete control closed aperture . However, this also means that the creative possibilities of the photographer are limited.
Problems with conventional flash
At Outdoor portraits Photographers often attach importance to the clear demarcation of the model from the background. While the focus is clearly on the face, the background should be where possible soft and fuzzy be. Photographers like to speak of the so-called „bokeh“ . Unfortunately, this effect cannot be achieved in strong ambient light, a long flash sync time and the associated small aperture, which ensures a large depth of field.
Another problem with flash and the flash sync speed that comes with it shows up, if not that light of lightning should be used to freeze a movement, but one possible short exposure time . Without the so-called HSS flashing, this cannot be implemented. As soon as an exposure time is set on the camera that is below the flash sync speed, parts of the image darkened . This is due to the so-called second shutter curtain , which covers the sensor too early and thus a correct and complete illumination of the entire scene prevented.
What is HSS?
HSS is the abbreviation for High speed sync . This is a technique that makes it possible to to photograph exposure times , which are far below the conventional flash sync speed. This is possible thanks to modern technology, by means of which it is possible to flash duration to steer and extend in such a way that these almost one continuous light equals . Of course, that means shutter speed plays a less important role. Even when photographed with a shutter speed of only 1/500 second, that is artificial light during this extremely short time in fully available . That's possible HSS flashes on the one hand by a significantly improved and faster communication between the camera and the lightning , even with unleashed flashes and on the other hand with flashes that have a much longer burning time.
When is high-speed sync used
As already indicated above, the advantages of this technology are always evident when the Ambient light hidden shall be. Is at flashed outdoor portraits worked with an open aperture or should use a short shutter speed Movement or a fleeting moment are to be captured, the is suitable HSS function excellent for that.
The conclusion to flash with high-speed sync
This technology, which more and more modern flash units are equipped with, significantly expands the repertoire of photographers. No longer determines the maximum flash sync speed , with which aperture to work. In addition, it facilitates HSS function the work on location clearly. Even in strong sunlight, natural light and its effects may not adversely affect a scene. Consciously, easily and purposefully you can use the used artificial light , in this case with theHSS enabled flash, worked, exposed and composed.
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