Makrofotografie für Einsteiger

Macro photography for beginners

In most cases, macro shots are those in which the layman, but also the experienced photographer, occasionally asks the question how such a thing is actually possible. Doesn't this require special and expensive equipment or lengthy training? However, beginners who want to get to grips with this fascinating sub-discipline need not fear anything; in most cases, getting started is quicker and easier than expected.
Das One-Light-Setup - einfach, aber effektiv

The One Light Setup - simple but effective

Photographing with artificial light - quite a few photographers see this as a hurdle that cannot be taken lightly and is associated with a lot of patience, a learning process and one or the other investment. All of this is correct, but anyone who is toying with the idea of working with artificial light in the future should be put at ease. After all, it only takes a single light source to achieve professional results.
Licht und Schatten – Hartes Licht in der Fotografie

Light and shadow – hard light in photography

The quality of the light determines how a portrait appears to the viewer. While light may vary in strength for the layman, the photographer evaluates ambient light and artificial light according to several categories. Particular attention is paid to the difference between the hard and the soft light.
Beauty-Fotografie für Einsteiger

Beauty photography for beginners

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder – most people are probably familiar with this saying. In beauty photography, however, beauty is first and foremost in the hands of the photographer and his team. The make-up, the hair, the setting, the light, the clothes - the list never ends, so that one or the other may have shied away from beauty photography. Getting started is not as difficult as it may seem at first.
Porträts richtig belichten – so geht es!

Expose portraits correctly - this is how it works!

Every photographer has probably tried his hand at the classic portrait at one time or another. It quickly becomes apparent that it is not just the correct composition that ultimately determines the expression of the final image. In portrait photography in particular, it is particularly important to expose the images correctly. This not only means the intensity of the light, but also other factors that decide whether the intended statement was made with the final portrait or not.
Tipps für großartige Familienporträts

Tips for great family portraits

The simple moments, no matter how simple and trivial they may seem at first glance, often turn out to be the most valuable moments in life in retrospect. The best proof of this is a portrait in which the entire family is photographed. It may seem like just a snapshot, but in reality these shots are often special memories, as only time will tell.
Die Clamshell-Beleuchtung richtig nutzen

Proper use of clamshell lighting

Any lighting mood, no matter how complex, can be imitated with the right studio flashes, permanent lights, light shapers, reflectors and other utensils. This significantly expands the possibilities of every photographer. But it also often leads to excessive demands, as it contains numerous sources of error and gives the impression that as much equipment as possible is needed to achieve a professional look.
Professionelle Aufnahmen mit weichem Licht

Professional shots with soft light

In professional photography, the quality of light is often described in flowery terms. Cold and warm light or hard and soft light are discussed extensively. The latter, the soft light, seems to be particularly popular, but what exactly is it, how can it be distinguished from the hard light and how can it be used consciously?
Fotografieren von Glas- und Hochglanz-Produkten

Photographing glass and glossy products

Glass , clear or shiny products are some of the most difficult things to photograph. If there is a lack of the necessary knowledge and the right utensils, photographers, cameras, the artificial light sources used and in some cases the entire studio will find themselves in the form of reflections on the objects to be photographed.