Mit einfachen Tricks zu tollen Fotos von Ihrem Haustier

With simple tricks to great photos of your pet

The relationship between humans and animals is unique. Anyone who has a pet of their own can attest to that. It is therefore more than understandable that the most beautiful moments with the dear animal companions should be photographed.
Fotografieren mit kreativem Licht

Photographing with creative light

Nothing is as important in photography as light. Even the best photographers can't take pictures in the dark. However, light is not only essential when creating a picture, it is also a creative design tool.
Perfektes Licht beim Fotografieren mit Blitz

Perfect light for flash photography

Beginners often shy away from flash photography. The many terminology seems too complicated and besides, every now and then one succeeds in creating appealing photos solely with the available light.
Schattenfreie Fotografie von Produkten

Shadow-free photography of products

Shadow-free photos give a professional impression and make objects look particularly high-quality. In addition to the correct lighting, the background and the underground are mainly important when creating shadow-free recordings. With a few little tricks and the right accessories, amateur photographers can now also photograph objects in their home studio without shadows.
Fotografieren mit künstlichem Licht für Einsteiger

Photography with artificial light for beginners

Pretty much all photographers long for those moments when the summer evening sun shines on the scene at just the right angle. Unfortunately, it's not always summer and it rains every now and then, even in July or August. In order to be able to work with the perfect light at any time of the day or night and regardless of the season, professionals use artificial light.
Perfekte Portraits mit dem Ringlicht

Perfect portraits with the ring light

There are many ways to achieve perfect illumination of an object or person with artificial light. The ring light, which combines numerous advantages of classic light shapers with its special shape, is becoming increasingly popular.
Home-Shootings: Professionelle Ergebnisse zuhause

Home shoots:Professional results at home

It doesn't always take a professional photo studio or a professional photographer to achieve perfect results in photography. The so-called home shootings, in which the elements that already exist in a house or apartment are used anyway, are becoming increasingly popular.
Fotografieren mit dem richtigen Lichtformer

Photographing with the right light shaper

Studio photography attempts to copy natural light as much as possible. Even if it should storm and snow outside, an artificial light source and the appropriate light shapers can create an atmosphere reminiscent of a summer evening.
Richtige Belichtung beim Fotografieren von Portäts

Proper exposure when photographing portraits

The portrait is considered the supreme discipline in photography. It is about capturing the soul of a person. In order for this to succeed, it not only needs a good relationship between the photographer and the model. The light must also match the chosen imagery.