Spektakuläre Bilder von Wassertropfen

Spectacular images of water drops

For many photographers, photographing water drops has always represented the entry into high-speed photography, i.e. photographing with particularly short exposure times. The reason for this is that it is actually possible in your own kitchen to capture spectacular images with the simplest of means.
Der Weißabgleich in der Fotografie

White balance in photography

Who doesn't know them, the images that, when examined more closely on the screen or on a print, suddenly look completely different from the scene you remembered. The colors look too cool or the sky is so yellow that the shot hardly seems real anymore. In such a case, the culprit is usually found quite quickly:the white balance.
Die 3-Punkt-Beleuchtung

The 3-point lighting

Great shots need good lighting, but shadows and darkness are also very important. One type of lighting here is"3-point lighting". The photographers Sebastian Weingart, Tommy Halfter and their young team organized a photo shoot on this topic using Jinbei permanent lights. In this article, the young team of photographers explains how and why they like to use 3-point lighting.
So gelingen actionreiche Aufnahmen

This is how action-packed shots succeed

Who does not know them, the impressive snapshots of sporting events, birds of prey swooping or geysers at the moment of eruption? After marveling at the effect of the image, the question often follows as to how the photographer managed to capture such a fleeting moment, which sometimes lasted only a few thousandths of a second, in pin-sharp detail.
Kreative Bildideen für Porträts

Creative picture ideas for portraits

The portrait is the supreme discipline in photography. It's about capturing a person's character and soul in a split second. This is easier if the light, the background and the idea behind the composition are adapted to the person, to the mood and to the intended message of the picture. There are many creative and perhaps previously unimagined solutions, the best tips for creative portraits are presented in more detail below. 
Das perfekte Reiseziel finden

Find the perfect travel destination

Travel photography is about capturing new, exciting destinations in an exciting and perhaps unprecedented way. Anyone who has already embarked on a multi-week trip with the camera and the rest of the equipment knows how complex the planning can be. Which lenses do you need, is the tripod light enough to be able to do longer tours with it and which filters get the best out of a landscape?
Einführung in das Fotografieren mit Filter

Introduction to filter photography

Filter photography, i.e. taking photos with filters placed in front of them, is associated by many exclusively with analogue photography. After all, why do we need physical filters today when our own recordings can simply be adapted to our own ideas in digital post-processing? In fact, it's not as easy as some might think, and filters have a right to exist today, perhaps more than ever.
Tipps für Fotos bei Nacht

Tips for night photos

Photos taken at night have an amazing effect. However, this is only the case if they are correctly exposed and if photographers pay attention to one or the other rule that only applies to photography at night. It really doesn't take that much to get razor-sharp images and exciting compositions at night. At the beginning it is enough to heed some of the following tips.
Kreative Fotos bei Regen

Creative photos in the rain

On rainy days, it is understandable that time is preferred to be spent indoors, in the warm and dry. But those who actually dare to go outside and use the rain as a creative stylistic device open up an interesting playing field full of imaginative possibilities. The best ideas for creative photos in the rain are presented below.