Tipps für besinnliche Fotos vom Weihnachtsfest

Tips for contemplative photos of Christmas

Christmas is the quiet and contemplative time when special moments matter. The loved ones find each other at home, maybe after months without seeing each other, and every moment is special.
Fotografieren mit großer Lichtstärke

Photographing with high light intensity

More than the camera itself, the lens contributes to a certain look in a photo. How sharp is something depicted, what exposure time is necessary and, of course, which section is reproduced on the camera sensor based on the selected focal length? Photographers have to answer these questions themselves before a shoot or a trip.
Tipps für kreative Flatlay-Aufnahmen

Tips for creative flatlay shooting

In photography, three-dimensional objects are captured on a two-dimensional medium. It makes little difference whether this medium is film, a digital sensor, a poster or a canvas. Nevertheless, good photographers manage to bring great depth to their pictures despite the limitation to two dimensions.
Eindrucksvolle Fotos durch Kontraste

Impressive photos through contrasts

There is no definitive list of things that guarantee a picture will turn out well. Composition, the right moment, correct exposure, context and many other considerations play an important role in creating strong and impressive images.
Fotografieren mit Mischlicht

Mixed light photography

Photographing with flash or continuous light is a small task for most photographers at the beginning, but one that can be mastered quickly. Different rules often apply, especially with flash, which you have to get used to first. Because suddenly the exposure time is no longer so crucial, the correct exposure is controlled by the right aperture and the strength of the flash.
Fotografieren mit Farbfolien und RGB-fähigen Dauerlichtern

Photograph with color transparencies and RGB-enabled steady lights

Cold, harshness, loneliness or warmth, security and summery feelings - the color and temperature of the light alone change the context and expression of a picture with the simplest of means. If you want to add working with colorful RGB light and colored foils to your repertoire, you will find out in the following article that neither expensive technology nor a studio is required for this.
HSS — Blitzen mit Highspeed

HSS — High-speed flash

Time has always played a crucial role in photography. Photographers have always wanted to capture and freeze a special moment, no matter how short it may be. This is usually not a problem in everyday life, but fast movements in particular are a challenge that can only be mastered by using attachable or studio flashes.
Makrofotografie für Einsteiger

Macro photography for beginners

In most cases, macro shots are those in which the layman, but also the experienced photographer, occasionally asks the question how such a thing is actually possible. Doesn't this require special and expensive equipment or lengthy training? However, beginners who want to get to grips with this fascinating sub-discipline need not fear anything; in most cases, getting started is quicker and easier than expected.
Das One-Light-Setup - einfach, aber effektiv

The One Light Setup - simple but effective

Photographing with artificial light - quite a few photographers see this as a hurdle that cannot be taken lightly and is associated with a lot of patience, a learning process and one or the other investment. All of this is correct, but anyone who is toying with the idea of working with artificial light in the future should be put at ease. After all, it only takes a single light source to achieve professional results.